
We utilize industry-leading tools to assess and evaluate our participants in terms of communication, character and style, in addition to performance, potential and job appropriateness.

Communicative Ability

To assess our participants in terms of communication, we utilize the Common European Framework, also known as CEF, system. This framework focuses on the participants' communication ability. In other words, they are assessed on what they can do, rather than what they know.

The CEF framework is the most widely used assessment tool of communicative ability in the world and is endorsed by Cambridge University in the UK.

Basic Independent Proficient
A1 Beginner B1 Intermediate C1 Advanced
A2 Elementary B2 Upper Intermediate C2 Proficient

Using this framework, we have developed the Global Bridge Snapshot™, a way of displaying the communicative ability of participants in an easy to read way. It covers all major communicative ability factors and analyzes them in line with CEF criteria. The assessment can be done over a period of time, or in a 30-minute spoken test.

The Global Bridge Snapshot ™

GB Snapshot

Psychometric Testing

Global Bridge utilizes the psychometric tools of Saville Consulting, a worldwide leader in psychometric testing.

For more information about Saville Consutling, please visit their homepage.

ASSESSMENTBoth organizations and individual need to know where they are now in addition to monitoring progress. Global Bridge's assessment tools help our partners to achieve both of these goals.